Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Straight Curvy Lines

I'm teaching myself how to sew! And I don't sew straight lines - I make straight curvy lines! (Not purposely, of course.)

I'm not going to be too hard on myself about it. I've had no formal training, except in my middle school home economics class - which I believe goes by family and consumer sciences now and isn't offered in many (if at all) schools anymore. Shame. They probably stopped offering it once I completed the course - I was so bad, I'm sure they felt there was no hope and gave up. Seriously. No amount of classes could have helped me sew a straight line. It's pitiful. Hahaa!

Regardless, I'm going for it! Many of our friends have announced they're recent pregnancies and I see so many adorable baby things that look sort of easy to make. Although, I suppose if you know how to sew it would probably make it much easier.

My first project has been burp cloths! I used the tutorial from two websites I found on Pinterest. (View them here and here.) They seemed simple - two rectangles sewn to each other. I also got suckered into trying these first because of the adorable fabric the tutorials used.

I gave it a shot and got better each time I made one! I even surprised myself a little. Sure, they're not perfect. Practice will hopefully make perfect. So, to all my preggo friends, look out! You're about to get lots of obviously made-with-love burp cloths!

Check 'em out! Not bad! Maybe after I master burp cloths, I'll try bibs that match. Oh the possibilities! ;) I did try to get fancy with the photos like the tutorials. Hehee! It's all track lighting in the apartment - not the best light for picture taking, but it will do.

They're all different sizes and the one at the top is the first one I did...yikes! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lady of Leisure

I (again) am a lady of leisure. That's right, I'm unemployed. Again.  Womp. Womp.

I was with the organization for a little over 2 months, but knew almost immediately it just wasn't a good fit. I know you're thinking I'm crazy. With so many people out there looking for work, I know how incredibly lucky and fortunate I was to have the opportunity, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't where I was "supposed" to be.

It really is so hard to explain. I've always had a go get 'em - you're not a quitter work ethic and really struggled with my decision to leave. It's always been my belief that you just work hard and make it work. So, it was an odd feeling knowing that no matter how hard I worked, I just never felt like I fit in.

After returning from our recent trip home, I knew (in my gut) that this was the best decision. I worked through my notice and the search for the perfect fit is now on!

I've really found that I'm out of place in Pittsburgh in general. So, I do think that probably played a huge part in my unsettled feeling. I will say that our move to the city has really helped. We are venturing out more and feeling a real sense of community. The move has rejuvenated my spirit and given me the drive to find my place here. I'm excited and hopeful for new opportunities!

If you squint you're eyes, substitute a green couch and the fake fox for two weenie dogs and a gray hairy cat - you could get a glimpse of life for me! Hahahaa!! Ok, too soon for a bad joke?! This is NOT how I want to end up!  

It is a daily battle to remember that all things happen for a reason and that this is a true life lesson in the making. I'm really grateful to have a supportive husband who would agree with you that I'm crazy, but understands me. I am learning to enjoy this journey that we're on, as challenging as it may be, at least we're together. The day will come that we'll look back on this year and laugh. 

LOVE this quote - it obviously applies to so many aspects of life. I thought I would share with you! XO